Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Of course you know that this means war.

Rannie has taken into sneaking into the other cat's litterbox to perform an eyeball-fogging ritual that we've come to describe as The Two Minutes' Hate. Slinky retaliates on the new cats' sand. The cycle of olfactory violence is perpetuated.


  1. I can just see John Cleese as a Guards sergeant rousing the cat out at dawn...

  2. Stink only begets more stink!!! This cycle of olfactory violence must be broken!

    Oh the felinity!

  3. Wouldn't that be a catASStrophe?

  4. It's feline ASSault!

    (my cats did the same thing to each other when I brought them to my house)

  5. Are you proposing a MAD-style* detente?

    *MAD: Mutually ASSured Destruction


  6. Cat Poo Story:

    When I was in college, I had a pair of ferrets (Pancho and Louise) and my roommate had a cat (Leibnitz). They were inseperable; the cat would sleep in the ferret's cage, taking up a significant amount of its volume, and they'd play together all the time.

    And occasionally, they'd use the same litter pan.

    One morning I was checking on the furballs, and Panhco was just waking up, the cat was still out like a light. She hopped out of the cage and bounced over to the litter pan, and - stopped.

    There, dead-center, was a huge cat turd. I swear Pancho just stood there with her forepaws on the edge of the pan, and looked from one end of the log to the other, then back again.

    Then she hopped back over to the cage, roused Louise, and the both ran over and just looked at it for a while.

    Eventually, they used the pan, but they gave the Tootsie Roll a wide berth...

  7. It is, in fact, territorial Commentary. In order Carnivora, range wars are fought through piss and anal glands when they're not fought through tooth and nail.

    It beats spraying and vet bills for stitched wounds...

  8. This too, shall pass...


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