Friday, January 09, 2009

FDR Jr, at the podium...

...was telling us that we faced an "unprecedented" crisis in our nation, which no doubt made elementary school history teachers cry.

Then he said that the "wait-and-see" approach hadn't worked. Apparently "wait-and-see" is where you make stupid regulations for things you know nothing about, and throw borrowed imaginary money at irresponsible people in numbers that make astronomers twitch.

So now we're going to try his way, which is where you make stupid regulations for things you know nothing about, and throw borrowed imaginary money at irresponsible people in numbers that make astronomers twitch.

I see.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Because throwing money at people did so much good in, say, the aftermath of Katrina.


  3. Perhaps they're taking a statistical view. If they throw enough money at enough people, sooner or later they're bound to hit one that's responsible.

    Likewise, if an infinite number of congresscritters write an infinite number of laws, at least a few are guaranteed to be sane, responsible regulations which further the good of the people without burdening them with an ever-growing state. Those will die in committee, of course.

    WV: mathro
    A nerdy cousin of the Beverley Hillbillies?

  4. throw borrowed imaginary money at irresponsible people in numbers that make astronomers twitch.


    Awesome. I know the numbers certainly make me twitch.

    WV: "stershe" What the aforementioned astronomers talk about after they finish "medicating" themselves against thinking about the activity of the government.

  5. Pawnbroker,
    Reddouts is synonymous with Kim duToit's RCOB

  6. I referred to B-HO as FDR, Jr. on the way to lunch today!

    Great minds think alike... :-)

  7. Don't forget: ONLY THE GUBMINT CAN SAVE US!

    WV: snessest.
    Whatever the sness it is, it is the snessest of the snesses.

  8. Why would elementary school history teachers cry? You think they know history to think differently?

  9. That was exaggeration for comedic effect. To be absolutely technical, I should have said "elementary school history teachers from 40 or 50 years ago."


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