Thursday, July 08, 2010

You kids these days with your Tweeting and your Texting and your Friending.

I have a hard enough time answering emails; it's a big victory for me when I hit about a 10% return rate. How some people keep up with all their Facebook accounts and Twitter and chat rooms is beyond me.

zomg i'm at the grocery store

now i'm home again

it's really hot outside

i like pie

I have a hard enough time coming up with material for a couple blog posts a day, and the willpower to actually type them.

The big breakthrough I'm waiting for is antiSocial Media, so I can fit in by not joining.


  1. I never understood the whole twitter thing. Seems overly useless and annoying.

  2. So I'm not going to email you that a gunsmith in Newport KY has a good group of guns you might like to look at.

    Smiths, Colts, odd little .32 autos...



  4. Twitter is just blogging for meth heads.

    I have to answer email just because I get so damned many that are business related, and I imagine if your bread and butter required it, you would be too.

    You're better off going outside or reading a book under the worst of circumstances.

  5. If you find that antisocial media thing, let us know so I can join up and still not see anyone there.

  6. The secret is to have no life whatsoever...

    (And yes, I am totally including myself in this group...)

  7. Each is useful for a subset of things. Each is used by lots of people for useless crap.

    I've never used Twitter seriously, for example, but I've built a couple of what amount to clones of it, as intranet applications for my clients. They got updated entirely by automated systems, and read mostly by system administrators. They were the right tool for the job...but I wouldn't expect anyone who wasn't part of the target audience to have any desire to use them.

    If your life is so boring that you don't have anything better to "tweet" about than your trip to the grocery store, is it any surprise that you have plenty of tweet about your trip to the grocery store? The inverse often (but not always) holds true as well.

  8. anti social media -

    Now, there is an under-served market niche.

    With a slight spin we could have, an antifacebook, anti-tweet antiGoogle.

    Things that actually help you promote privacy, anonymity and don't collect or share data on you that you did not specifically request be shared.

  9. "For just $4.95 a month, you too can join, and post absolutely nothing about what you're doing, ever."

    But for the record, it IS hot outside, and I DO like pie. :cool:

  10. Damn, pecan pie...

    Ever see Big Bang Theory? One show Sheldon says "But I can't meet the chancellor at 8:30; everyone knows that's when I have my morning bowel movement!"
    Leonard: "Yeah, what did we do before Twitter..."

  11. I invented antisocial media a year or so ago. I call it curmudgeon.

    Works great so far. I've NEVER had a users complain.

  12. Sign me up for the anti-social site. THat's my style!!

  13. Twitter: for when you have something that needs saying, but don't have time to bang out 400 words on it.


  14. Ancient Woodsman6:16 PM, July 08, 2010

    Anonymous said: "Things that actually help you promote privacy, anonymity and don't collect or share data on you that you did not specifically request be shared."

    I thought that's what the Constitution was for.

    Guess I'm just too old to tweet.

  15. I'd send you an invite to my favorite antisocial media site,, but I'd violate the terms of service.

  16. Don't bother,

    We're fine without you


    antisocial media guy

  17. Any antisocial media group that has a web address is far too user-friendly for me. Give me the old fashioned solitary walk in the dying twilight, surrounded by cold wet woods, anytime.

    And can I borrow a flashlight - it gets dark quick in these woods.


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