Sunday, April 08, 2012

Happy Whatever Spring Festival You Celebrate!

So we're right around the weekend where Jews are celebrating Passover, neo-Pagans are no doubt engaging in some (carefully re-created/long-held in secret folk custom) affair or other that most likely involves being naked in the woods, Christians are commemorating the day when Christ rose from the grave and walked the Earth in search of human souls, and all of America builds elaborate shines to sugar-crusted marshmallow baby chickens.

Whichever of these applies to you, may it be enjoyable.

(Sorry for the feeble amount of content, my brain's not been working right this weekend. I blame my relatively low-carb diet and sleeping in the last two mornings; I think that by the time I dragged myself out of bed and sat in front of the computer, my blood sugar was through the floor.)


  1. In place of marshmallow chickens, I suggest pretzel M&Ms as official Easter goodies.

  2. Don't diss the peeps!


  3. Pretael M&Ms and Peeps are AWESOME! Sadly, as a diabetic, I don't get very many...

  4. I think that I will go out and play a round of golf.

  5. Happy (insert name) to you too Tam.

  6. See, if you had eaten the peeps your blood sugar level would be high enough to power the free ice cream machine.

  7. We had Pasta-over, which coincides with Passover. Lots of carbs (in beer form) were consumed, after all, noodles come from grain, so beer is simply liquid noodles. Plus there's the beer volcano in heaven anyway.

  8. We had our annual family Easter Egg Hunt..... not much of a hunt, actually...... 6 dozen dyed eggs, 1/2 a dozen .22 rifles/ and pistols, range of 5-10 yards ....more of an Easter Egg Firing Squad than a Hunt, really..... but exploding hard boiled eggs sure do bring a smile to little boys faces.......:)

  9. That first paragraph brought a broad smile to my face!


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