Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Tactical Facepalm.

YouTube: It's like a giant gold mine of "Things To Not Do With A Gun In Your Hand".


  1. Wow. On top of the sheer awesomeness of cluster-fery on display, who the heck though it was a good idea to give Mall Security Team Six the pink flash bangs?

  2. Why, oh why does some tacti-cool wanna-be always do the gang banger sideways hold of his gun?? Did he spend all kinds of money on those super neato sights that he super-glued on the side of his glock look alike gun's slide?

    Kaeghl in ill-annoyed

  3. Oh come on! I wanna be just like them when I grow up, and you all know that you do, too!

  4. I'm memorizing those faces just so I can stay the hell away from those idiots.

    Seriously, people actually pay to "learn" at this alleged academy?

  5. Loaded firearms; students running amok and smoke grenades? What could go wrong?

  6. I'm absolutely shocked that no one got shot.

  7. @Kaeghl in ill-annoyed

    I was actually taught at Thunder Ranch to cant my gun about 30-45 degrees inward while shooting one handed. The reason is it puts the recoil in more of a sideways motion allowing your forearm to absorb more recoil and your wrist to remain more tight. Thereby, reducing any tendency to limp wrist while shooting one handed, even with a weak grip. But you only cant slightly so you can still properly line up the sights and use them. It works quite well, I've never had a problem shooting accurately one handed using this technique. I can't say the same for when I shot the gun one handed with it upright.

    As for that video...I just don't know what to say. Between the cheesy electronic music and the weapons handling, I'm so confused.

    In other news, when did ECQ and CQB really become catch phrases in training. The only person I know who offered ECQ type-training five years ago was Southnarc. And his training focuses on extremely close quarters, one yard or less. But now it seems every idiot on the planet is teaching some type of ninjafied ECQ-CQB blend...


  8. All they needed was Yosemite Sam and Marvin the Martian.

    Maybe they were too intelligent to go there.
    Dennis the librarian shusher

  9. Sie sind auf Deutschland! They do things differently there, apparently. :)

  10. You mean Doucheland. That 'splains it.

  11. Is it me or were some of those smoke grenades CGI?

    Also, why train to shoot someone in the groin and then retreat shooting at their heads? If you shoot me in the groin or stomach, or leg, I'm not going to be standing upright anymore.

    I think there is a market for "dangerous" training. But this stuff doesn't even make sense. My 6 year old daughter could watch this and her first question is why they are hitting people when they have a gun? Why the hell would I ever want to clear a room, and even if I did need to know, do I have my three best friends with me everywhere?

    If I'm doing high speed low drag super trooper training I want it to relate to something I might have to do. Like get my wife and kids out of the firing line of an ATF no knock raid. Or how to keep the police from shooting my dog when they come to ask me questions about the neighbor's house.

    Or maybe just how to do that Remo Williams thing where I take their gun from them pop out the magazine flip out the rounds, and then hand them back a loaded weapon... oh wait. (I'm embarrassed to admit I just caught that flaw in that move the last time I watched that movie.)

  12. Ohh, and I love how Mr. Gangsta turns vertical when he takes a knee, not enough brain cells to pull that one off? Maybe one knee down with one hand on the ground behind you like you are sliding would make it feel more natural. Or just grab your crotch.

  13. Wow. Where do I even begin....

  14. How much would you have to pay me to be that guy holding the pad? Hmm . . .

  15. Make brain-hurt...need trauma meds...PTSD activating ....aaaarrrggggh!!!

    it 'added feratons', too [verify]

  16. Scary. The guy working the PVC pipe "arm" with a pistol in one hand seemed senseless. I think they saw the movie "Equilibrium" too many times.


  17. I made it 27 seconds into the video. Didn't get past the intro.

    The intense music and split-screen editing is a red flag for me. It never fails; a video with split-screen editing and intense music playing over a group of guys shooting in a straight line, the rest of the video has an 85% chance of containing worthless grabassery.


  18. You don't fight a man with a stick with a stick.
    You don't fight a man with a knife with a knife.
    You don't 6th grade slap fight ANYONE with a gun in your hand.
    If your justified in shooting someone just shoot them and be done with it. If your not justified in shooting them try talking them out of fighting. Its a lot less humiliating in the long run.

  19. And then I realized it was spelled "Loughner".

  20. Holy the Crap!!!

    You mean there are places that will teach me the Gun Katas in REAL LIFE!!!?!?!


  21. I would like to take a good up close (0-3 yards) firearms course, I do not believe it would be with these gentlemen.

    Gun Katas indeed!


  22. As my German former roommate used to say: Bavarians!

    Being a low-speed high drag type myself, I can only comment on the comedic potential -- the Keystone Kop-ish entry drill around 1:50 was the best. I'd like to see outtakes from the rehearsals of that part.

  23. "When it's time to shoot, shoot! Don't talk!"


  24. Looks like a poorly cribbed item from the Dan Inosanto or Leo Gaje playbooks. "Wooden Dummy" type drills from Wing Chun (Inosanto /Jeet Kun Do) Moving drills/weapon retention and pangamut (slapping) from Gaje school. Both schools specialize in up close training of Kali and Escrima, hence the presence of sticks and knives. They also value live weapon training. But watching these guys makes me cringe. If I'd done that I'd watch it twice and delete it in shame.

  25. I went to Youtube to ask how many people had been killed in their classes, but (un)surprisingly, comments are disabled.

  26. Just trying to safe our reputation: We do have really good trainers here in Germany, too. Just... elsewhere.

  27. Did anyone else mutter "Fetch...the Gimp," when Generic Bad Guy in coveralls and ski mask showed up?

  28. The use of a loaded, working pistol to GONG SAU!!!! the pipe arms was where I lost it. That was clearly Gun Kata and this is obviously Equilibrium fan fiction.

  29. Having spent time shooting with Germans, cops, military and civilians alike, they DO have SOME competent folks. The ratio of competent to scary, however is FAR lower than in the U.S. This in a country with LOTS of "safety rules" such as not letting one use the magazine when shooting your Mauser bolt gun from the bench because...it's not "safe" for some reason.

  30. Go to 3:20 ... you will see our fearless hero doing hand-to-hand against an evil ninja holding a *blue* gun ... and hten magically at 3:22 he has a real blaster in hand when the shooting starts ....

    I'm guessing there are similar 'dubs' throughout the video ...

  31. Do they have the Tactikool Training Vid up on "How to Shoot Up Pickup Trucks in the Middle of the Night!" yet?

    Heard that it's Mandatory for LA, Kalifornia Cops to see.

  32. This just makes me glad I'm not an operator in operations, b/c if I had to go through this training to be one.....

  33. Woha.... Free icecream machine broke again?

  34. Boy that's some Operating Theater - such rocket surgeons! I wonder how many ricochets they get off those overhead concrete beams?

  35. It was like every gun-kata scene from "Equillibrium".

  36. My 6 year old daughter could watch this and her first question is why they are hitting people when they have a gun?

    My 9-year-old found it literally laughable.

  37. I was going to pass on this, but one of the verify words is "ridiculed". Sentience?


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