Saturday, May 17, 2014

Range Trip Notes...

(I'm putting these here so I can more easily search for them in the future; Facebook's not so hot for that. They're as dull as watching paint dry, so...)

A quick range trip this morning. 50 more rounds of Brown Bear through the Glock 19 yielded the first failure since its last cleaning/lubing: A light strike on round #1,057.The trigger pull felt funny, FWIW.

Fifty more malfunction-free rounds through the PPX. Still learning the trigger, but it's turning out to be surprisingly easy for me to run fast. (Well, fast for me.)

47 on DT with the G19. All three dropped rounds happened while driving the gun to the target or on a transition. I'm tempted to give myself a mulligan on the one on dot two, because that was after I got my head all out of the game taking notes after the malf. But that wouldn't be right.


  1. Sounds like a good range trip.

    Keep on your great reporting on the Walther PPX, you've got me rather intrigued by it now.

  2. Yeah, that's off topic. I don't have my Rus/Eng dictionary handy, but I think the title says something like "Separatists steal tank and shoot innocent old man."

  3. I do have my Russian/English dictionary handy, and translate it as "Separatists seize a BMP and barely do not assassinate a grandfather". A BMP is an amphibious infantry fighting vehicle.

    There is a visual pun in the video where the videographer pauses on a white poster with a depiction of vegetables and black Cyrillic letters for "urozhai" - harvest.

    If you prefer pictures of tractors and such instead of armored vehicles:

  4. The Ukrainian Army abandoned it when it broke down, from what I read.

    Making fun of some guy nearly getting aced is kinda lame ... but a picture of that damned Pandaren button pusher in Mogushan Vaults ( Warcrack ) kept going through my head.


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