Monday, August 16, 2021

Lessons Unlearned

The dust is nowhere near settled. In fact, it hasn't even finished getting stirred up, not by a long shot, but these are some viewpoints worth considering.

My friend Chris, in a blog post well worth reading in its entirety, opens with this cogent summary:
"I’ve spent most of my adult life at war, fighting for lost causes. I gave the decades of my youth to strive for that in which I generally believed, alongside men I loved and respected. I regret none of it, but days like today I do feel a bit old, tired, and discouraged.

For those who are wondering how we could have failed so catastrophically in Afghanistan, here’s the simple answer:

We weren’t in Afghanistan 20 years. We were in Afghanistan one year, 20 distinct times.

"Okay, Tam," you say, "But he's a conservative SOF dude who saw the situation through a soldier's eyes. What about..."

Well, here's progressive photojournalist Lucas Jackson, who I follow on Twitter:

When two people with such different worldviews have deep experience on a topic and come away with such similar conclusions, that's what you call a clue.
