Sunday, August 28, 2005

A blog? What the hell, why not...

My boss has a blog. The little girl down the street has a blog. A local medium is typing my dead grandmother's blog from beyond the grave.

I was starting to feel a little left out.

So, uh, what the hey, here's mine...


  1. Welcome to the blogosphere! Saw a link to your blog at Les Jones and wandered over to have a look. Keep it up!!

  2. Well, hush my mouth! Sumbitch, Tamara done went and got herself a blog!


  3. First posts are always interesting when you look back. How did someone start?

  4. Went back and clicked the first post link.

    2005 was a significant year for me. My first child was born 19 days after you started the blog.

  5. Happy forthcoming 8th birthday to the young 'un! :)


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