Saturday, October 08, 2005

Blog Stuff: Delaware Supremes screw up, accidentally Do Right Thing.

Via Michael Silence: The Delaware Supreme Court screwed up recently, and decided in favor of free speech and internet anonymity. Look for a higher Federal court to rectify the error as soon as possible.

The flap centered around several anonymous bloggers using their bandwidth to smear a local politician with the kind of playground name-calling that passes for political speech these days. Cahill reponded by throwing a snit and, deciding he didn't like the exposure to slings and arrows his Junior Woodchuck political career entailed, taking the bloggers to court.

In a series of obscenity-laced tirades, the bloggers, among other things, pointed to Cahill's "obvious mental deterioration," and made several sexual references about him and his wife, including using the name "Gahill" to suggest that Cahill, who has publicly feuded with Smyrna Mayor Mark Schaeffer, is homosexual.

Now, please understand that I think that John Doe No.1 and cronies were cowardly curs for dragging Councilman Cahill's wife into things and making anonymous slurs and sexual innuendos about Cahill's preferences, but I don't think they should be held criminally liable for anything. What the craven pamphleteers should be held accountable for is their honor; in a perfect world, Cahill would be able to make a public and very un-anonymous demand for satisfaction...

(PS: If Mr. Cahill doesn't like anything I've written here, my name and location are proudly displayed at the top right of the page, and pistols at dawn is my general preference.)


  1. OK... I know you hate the name calling, and I could do without it... I don't mind the casual name calling, but the angry stuff grates on me too... nonetheless the term "passes for political speech these days". You have read some of the papers from Samual Adams, Thomas Jefferson, etc, right? They used to be FAR more brutal and abandoned any concern for facts...

    Not saying this to be snide, as I know that since you read more than I that you are likely more aware of how it used to be than I am... just reminding you. [smiles]

    As for pistols at dawn... wouldn't it be nice if we still did things that way? I think it would solve so many problems...

  2. Yeah, but you don't see the founders referring to each other as "JefferSnot" and "Washingdumb"; Burr and Hamilton actually wound up shooting at each other, but neither publically claimed the other loitered about the livery stables, looking for little boys to touch...


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