Sunday, October 30, 2005

Blog Stuff: My practicality deficiency...

Many folks who love sportscars have a little roadster for sunny weather and weekends, and a truck or SUV to haul stuff or to drive when it's icky outside.

I have a motorcycle for sunny weather and weekends, and a two-seat roadster to haul stuff or to drive when it's icky outside.

Either I have some pretty lax "haul stuff" requirements, or I was born without a Practicality Gene...


  1. Sometimes you have to "light out for the Territory ahead of the rest." You don't need to haul much at those times.

  2. I tried to make it the best of both worlds with as small a truck as possible, with the intention of doing a little tweaking for handling... What I can do remains to be seen.

    But, right now I can haul 1000/tow 2500 pounds no problem and still get 27mpg :)

  3. The benefits of marraige. I get the motorcycle. I also get the truck to haul said motorcycle (a Triumph) around in when it inevitably fails to function. The wife gets the sports car. It all works out.


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