Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Blatant Capitalism: Yay!

They're here! They're here! The Kalashnikitty shirts are finally here!

We have both Mediums and Larges in stock at CCA for $19.95/ea. We're happy to ship. Tell 'em Tamara sent you.


  1. 1. Is this for real?

    B. Why no "small"? I was thinking about getting one for the person who runs my house, but medium or large wouldn't do.

    BTW, I linked it at one of my blogs, The Asianist (the other one being Guns and Butter Blog).

  2. I thought there was some legal trouble with Sanrio holding these back?...

  3. That's cool! I used to have that as my icon on a site I used to frequent.

  4. Mulliga,

    I'm pretty sure Sanrio sent a C&D order to someone for making these previously. Of course, they've allowed stranger things in the past

  5. Got my 3 - thanks, Trevor.


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