Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Politics: The lesser of two weevils...

The vapid article writers at USAToday want to know which of the two squishy limousine liberals masquerading as President on the arid wasteland of prime-time TeeWee is your favorite. "Can't we kill them both?" is not a choice in the poll.

I guess, having seen not a single episode of 'The West Wing' or 'Commander In Chief' (since neither is shown on Discovery, The History Channel, or during rain delays of Braves games) I should recuse myself from the debate, but I find I'm forced to out myself as one of those pesky intellectual snobs by asking: "Does anybody with enough cerebral activity to nudge an EEG still watch prime-time network television?" I haven't held a conversation with a solitary human being in the last half decade who has admitted to faithfully watching anything shown on weekdays on the major networks between the dinner hour and bedtime other than sports or (through sheer morbid fascination,) the news. Why haven't specialty cable channels and the proliferation of cheap DVD players killed these dinosaurs yet? I mean, for gawd's sake, in its quest to be deep and artistic (and to throw off the image of the '80s when it was cheesy and fun, or the '90s, when it was at least fun-ny,) Prime-Time network television now lacks even the campy charm of daytime talk shows, or the schlock Americana of "reality shows" like 'COPS'. Is there some vast demographic of Easily Amused Couch Potato with whom I don't normally interact that is keeping this dreck afloat? Inquiring minds want to know...

1 comment:

  1. As I wrote before about the show "Commander in Chief" -- they just don't get it, do they?

    Having stated that, there is ONE show I watch on primetime network regularly, "Lost" (see my associated ranting about the show).


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