Thursday, January 05, 2006

Bikes: A midnight ride...

I was sitting up reading last night, and realized I needed something from the inconvenience store before it closed. I went inside to get my car keys and...

...grabbed my helmet and gloves instead.

It wasn't exactly "balmy", but middle-high 40s is about as good as it gets at night around this time of year, and dry pavement isn't a thing one takes for granted in the months of leaden skies. Besides, I hadn't been on the bike in a month, and I needed to... um... charge the battery up some, yeah, that's it: I needed to charge the battery.

So, a long-way-'round jaunt to the convenience store to charge the battery up real good, plus a chance to blow the cobwebs out of the Yosh pipe. (Apologies to anyone I woke.) Cool wind in my face. The unique smells of a cold winter night in the woods. The river doing its riverish stuff. This is why I ride...

...and why I sleep late and blog lightly today.


  1. I had a shorty Yosh pipe on my FZ600 - God it sounded mournfull howling in the night with each gearchange, I loved it! Once I saw a cop up ahead of me slow and pull to the roadside, turning his head back and forth to try and tell where the sound came from - I never upshifted so fast before, and practically coasted by. ;-)

  2. Lucky. It's in the 20s here and my Harley is in a heated garage somewhere in Jersey... (or wherever it is my dealership ships the stored bikes). 'Long as I get 'er back in April, I don't care where she goes...

    Enjoy. I'll just ride vicariously through you southerners... ;)


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