Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Blatant Capitalism: Sometimes my job is like Christmas...

Opening the boxes to see what has shown up off of various back orders is like checking to see what showed up under the tree.

Today, f'rinstance, we finally got in the .45 ACP Springfield XD's we've been expecting, and they're every bit as slim as the hype promised. Groovy.

We also received our long-awaited shipment of 9mm hammers, buffers, and mag blocks from Rock River, along with another whole bunch of stripped lowers.

I need another lower like I need a hole in my head, but they're so cheap that it's hard to resist not having one or two lying around, just waiting to be built...


  1. So then what're the prices on those fun 9mm RRA parts?

  2. I got to handle an XD-45 at my local gun shop recently. Very nice. I can't really justify buying it, but I'll probably end up with one eventually.

  3. Now, if you happen to misplace one of those XD-45's and it makes its way down to me, I won't mind one bit. *wink* *wink* *nudge* *nudge*
    know what I mean?

  4. I am waiting for the two-tone XDs. Still, the grip is amazing. Absolutely amazing for such a heavy loadout.



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