Friday, January 06, 2006

Blog Stuff: A one-man bad PR machine...

Pat Robertson offers Ariel Sharon's stroke as proof of God's existance.

From where I'm sitting, the fact that Pat is still upright and breathing would seem to argue the opposite point. (Or that if there is a God, he's a lot more lenient than Pat makes him out to be...)

(Hat tip to Les Jones.)


  1. I've been saying this to people all day...

    Please, PLEASE don't assume that Robertson is an accurate sample of evangelical Christians. I place him in the same mental category as Benny Hinn, that is, those who live the lives of millionares while projecting an image of a 'special annointing' to the gullible. They do the name of Christ incredible harm.

    Bleh. Makes me physically ill just thinking about them.

  2. A great post and you make an excellent (and very funny) point. :-) I was checking out other "view" blogs, and ended up here. You have a nice blog!


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