Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Blog Stuff: Token cute critter picture.

I may have mentioned that I have cats. Here's my favorite picture of Mittens, snapped by Oleg Volk on one of his visits. He's so good with portraits. For instance, notice how eloquently he captured just how exhausted a hard day of power-napping can leave one...

Someone's running MS DOG on my Macincat.

Mittens is the world's most affectionate feline. Having been raised by a Golden Retriever, we're not certain she realizes she's a cat. Every day when I get home, she comes trotting to meet me at the door, wagging her tail. (Hence her nickname: "CatDog".) Even though you haven't met her, she loves you, too. Not that you should get all excited about that: Mittens loves everybody.


  1. Mittens is my favorite cat, ahead of even my own ex-cat Minox...she is just completely unaggressive and relaxed. I am overdue for a visit and more pictures, I think. YOU are certainly overdue for a visit -- you have not even seen my new cave yet!

  2. Oleg, I don't care how wonderful Mittens is -- you have got to be a puredee genius to be able to snap a photo like that without getting a big-eyed look from the subject.


  3. A "dog-cat" is the only cat to have. We've got one, it was rescued from a paper bag in a parking lot only a couple of weeks from birth. Some miscreant had detached it's tail and broken the front paw.

    It's amazing how being raised by people from an early age removed most of the irritating cat tendencies.


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