Friday, February 03, 2006

Ahhhh, a day off...

So, it was early in the AM and I was taking in my morning caffeine infusion on the porch, re-reading Helliconia Spring by Brian W. Aldiss (not recommended if it's a little chilly in your favorite reading spot) under leaden, cloudy skies, when a sudden glare of light tore my eyes up from the page. I sat there blinking for a second, then stampeded inside for a camera. Sorry the shot didn't turn out better, but the lighting effect only lasted a moment or two and this was the best shot of the bunch.

Here's this morning's actual View From The Porch:

That's the cool thing about living on the lake here; five or six times a week, Mother Nature does something that makes you want to stick a dollar in her garter belt. :)


  1. Damn..........I need to move back to waterfront property!

  2. Nice photo Tam...

    You are making us all envious...

  3. Excellent photo, I feel a bout of cabin fever. Where I'm at, we've been getting heat waves up to about 40 degrees...

  4. Best. Description. Of Mother Nature. Ever.

  5. You are very lucky. And I, well, I am very jealous. ;)

  6. Thanks so much!

    I made it the backdrop for a song before worship rehearsal, and the team liked it so much that I made it the "Welcome" graphic that people see before the service. It'll be there until the next rotation in March. :)


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