Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Boomsticks: Gratuitous Gun Pr0n No. 21

(...or, more accurately, gratuitous holster pr0n No. 1.)

Faithful readers may recollect me ordering a Milt Sparks holster for my SIGarms GSR back in November. A pistol that groovy deserves to be toted, and the frame rail and weird slide contour pretty much guarantees that it won't fit in a standard 1911 holster. Apparently, the folks out in Boise actually had to go out and track down a gun to use for the mold and so, after a 12-week wait, my holster showed up on the UPS truck Monday.

Black sharkskin trim. Yum.


  1. Thats a great looking holster! Only thing I see wrong with it is that they accidentally built it for a southpaw so I can't use it. ;)

  2. Then it's perfect! (and I'm blind)


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