Monday, February 20, 2006

Dozens killed in cartoon rioting...

...but depite the threat of a fatwah, Bill Watterson refuses to resume Calvin & Hobbes strip.

In a telephone interview from an undisclosed location (although the caller ID box said "S. Rushdie") the beleaguered cartoonist was quoted as saying "For God's sake people, it's been over for years now. The kid and the tiger have taken their last sled ride together. Let it go. And Berke Breathed had nothing to do with it, so if the 'Calvinist Liberation Front' would kindly return his basset hound, he'd be much obliged."


  1. Two of my favorite strips. I need to buy that new complete collection of Calvin & Hobbes. And hopefully they'll put out a Bloom County version eventually.

    I'm half convinced my wife married me because I pull random Bloom County quotes out of nowhere. Dandelion break anyone?

  2. Bought collected works for my son for Christmas. He already had everything else that's been printed, but what the hey. He's at the college Bill Watterson attended, and word is Watterson shows up unannounced from time to time. Kids don't let anyone other than other students know when he's there. Oh, the collection weighs about as much as the spare tire for your car, so don't drop it on the coffee table. Or the dog. OldeForce in Colorado


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