Thursday, February 16, 2006

Politics: Same planet, different worlds...

Sometimes the smallest things can point up the enormous chasms that transect American political thought these days.

Yesterday I was perusing Michael Silence's blog, where he referenced a post made by R. Neal over at KnoxViews. It seems that R. Neal discovered some nosing around on his site from an IP address. Obviously, Dick Cheney had ordered the Pentagon to spy on him.

Meanwhile, here on the porch, I'm browsing my sitemeter activity (as is my inquisitive wont), and noting the usual smattering of hits from,,,, and I always assumed that this was because bored troopies and .gov employees were as given to slacking off at their desks and surfing the 'net as the rest of us, not because they were ordered by Skull & Bones to monitor my stupid jokes, frothing rants, and gun pr0n pictures.

I see I need to step up my vigilance. Who knew?


  1. well, let them snoop at their own peril!

  2. I no longer get bothered by visits from .gov or .mil addresses because just like me, most of those people are bored ass people sitting at CQ who have nothing better to do than surf the web. The sites that aren't blocked for "personal" or "forbidden" content ("forbidden" being stuff that's fun, like comics and chat rooms).

  3. Wow, people surfing from a .mil domain are interested in a cute woman who likes guns, there's a shock!

  4. The only group that worried me was the Defense Intelligence Agency - not that they were reading my blog, that they had no security on their browsing.

    They seem to have either lost interest or gotten better security....


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