Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Politics: Do these chains make me look fat?

Les Jones has a post up about the rising tide of refugees fleeing taxation and/or regulation in California. It's true that some folks will move if the regulatory environment where they live becomes too stifling for them; it's the other kind you have to worry about. Just ask the residents of Colorado or Oregon, they'll tell you all about it. The refugees to worry about are the ones who say "Ooh, everything is so crowded and dirty and icky and taxes are so high and everything costs so much and there's so many Mexicans!" and leave for Boise or Eugene or Boulder or Prescott, and build a home in a little subdivision, and demand more parks and security cameras in the schools and why don't we have more water for the sprinklers in my lawn? and let's hire more police officers so they can arrest people who speed in our subdivision and we better picket that gun store downtown because the children can't be exposed to guns and we need bilingual streetsigns so as not to be discriminatory and surely raising property taxes just a little to raise money for a performing arts center would be good...

...and wonder why their new home rapidly turns into the same festering cesspit they just crawled out of.

Some folks may be leaving California looking for freedom, but these guys are just leaving to find more comfortable chains that don't make them look fat.


  1. Well said, dammit!

  2. I understand the psychology of newcomers wanting to drag their smelly baggage along with them; what I don't grasp is why the existing residents don't take the new folks aside and 'splain how things work in the new place. Kind of like a Reality-Based Welcome Wagon.

  3. Because people who think that they alter the nature of reality through desire for it to be "Just so" will not be swayed by anything less than a metaphorical Reality Baseball Bat, and maybe not even then. If some earth-shattering event doesn't shift their Paradigm Of Ridiculousness, they'll just giggle at the silly logic people and carry on.


  4. Universal Suffrage: The root of all evil.

  5. Fortunately for a lot of you free-staters, it's people like me making the trek out, and its your dregs making the trek in. I have no desire to change a place I get to...unless it doesn't have a good bar and a gun shop close by, but then I wouldn't move there in the first place.

  6. All I know is that California can HAVE my brother-in-law, his San Francisco bride, and the horse they rode in on.

  7. Got family in CO, been pissed off for years about exactly this.


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