Monday, March 27, 2006

Somebody has to make the joke...

From the AP:

"That trust was shattered Saturday morning, when Huff opened fire in a house full of ravers dressed like zombies in dark clothing and pale makeup, killing six of them and injuring two."

Well, they were dressed like zombies, for god's sake!


  1. you can't kill zombies.

    they are already dead.

  2. This couldn't have happened. Huff was a felon, he can't have guns. It must be a fabrication of some kind.

  3. *LOL* Clearly - they were asking for it.

  4. Kind of reminds me of the thing with dogs on Halloween, and why you can't really blame Rover for chomping on costumed urchins.

    "I don't see what the problem is! A [i]pirate[/i] came into the yard, so I [i]bit[/i] him!"

  5. I just learned...On Nov. 21, 2000, police arrested Kyle Huff for shooting downtown sculptures with a shotgun and a handgun. Originally charged with felony criminal mischief, the charge was later reduced to a misdemeanor and small a fine. thus, he was not a felon, as I too, originally believed.

  6. It's sad to kill pathetic goofballs who dress up and live vicariously in a pretend-world, even if it's a pretend zombie-world. Laugh and point at them and all that if it gets under your skin, but actual shooting is wrong - nobody has the right to enforce their brand of "social-eugenics," it's no different than shooting special needs kids and "short-bus" travellers.

  7. My gut tells me a toxin report will show that he was probably tripping pretty hard on something. I've seen people lose it and try to stab others with steak knives when high - if he had the guns, was stoned out of his mind and thought there were zombies about, it would almost explain the suicide, too.

    Hi, this is me trying to rationalize the insane things people do...


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