Wednesday, March 29, 2006

"Yes, but can it play Counterstrike?", Part Deux

I think I'm in love.

Not only can you take it everywhere, it also looks like a prop from a hip, low-bujit BBC sci-fi series. Plus, it's got the screen size to handle two of the three legs of the Successful Computing Gizmo Triad (games and porn) and built-in wireless (for email.)

If something like this catches on, just think of the great new excuses we'll have for traffic screwups!

Mohammed Taheri-Azar: "Vengeance for my fellow Muslims? What? No, I was just trying to kill the boss monster at the end of level three and wasn't paying attention to where I was going. It's all my wrist computer's fault."

(H/T to BobG.)


  1. It looks like one of those bracelet/anklets people have to wear when they are on supervised house-arrest.

  2. [quote]it also looks like a prop from a hip, low-bujit BBC sci-fi series[/quote]

    A closet Dr. Who fan maybe?

    It is the definition of low budget sci-fi from the BBC.

  3. Leela!



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