Saturday, April 08, 2006

Boomsticks: Gratuitous Gun Pr0n No. 26

Beretta 950BS "Jetfire" and Beretta 3032 "Tomcat", with Kershaw Chive and CRKT K.I.S.S.

For those times when you can't carry a gun, these are the next best things. ;)


  1. I have a Tomcat myself. Works great as a small pocket pistol, when you can't conceal a larger weapon.

  2. I bought a (lightly) used Tomcat after they had been on the market for about two years, and carried it almost everywhere for about three years. Then came the P32 Kel-Tec, which I simply HAD to have when they debuted, and the Tomcat has since been riding in the back of the handgun safe.

    Funny why this is, as I find it a hoot to shoot, and is functionally more reliable than the P32 has proven to be over the years.

    Thanks for the post Tam, I think I am heading to the range today and will reaquaint myself with an old friend!

  3. The Kel-Tecs are indisputably smaller and lighter, but I shoot the Berettas so much better. My Tomcat's long gone, but I still have the Jetfire; I reckon a hit with a .25 beats a miss with a .380 any day of the week. :)


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