Friday, April 14, 2006

Quote of the Day.

"It's better to spend money like there's no tomorrow than to spend tonight like there's no money." -P.J. O'Rourke, Modern Manners

There's always the chance that this book is intended as satire, but I prefer to think of it as my own personal Emily Post's Etiquette. Of course, I was also surprised to find that the characters of Patsy and Edina from Absolutely Fabulous were not actually intended to be role models. Who knew?


  1. I always liked "Live your life to the fullest each day, because you never know when that day may be your last."

  2. O'Rourke O'Rocks.

  3. Thanks for the belly laugh! But wot's this about Pats and Eddy not being role models?


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