Monday, April 10, 2006

Wow, now I'm an arbiter of fashion!

I.M. Confused, a student in Ontario, Canada, asked Google "how to wear womens jeans with a belt, tucked in top or not", and Google referred her to me.

Well, Confused, I'd have to say that that depends on quite a few things. Is it a baggy, man's tee shirt with a smart-ass saying, liquor company logo, or pro-gun witticism on it? I'd go with "tucked-in" under those circumstances. The untucked top is for when you are wearing a fitted women's tee that probably isn't long enough to tuck in anyway, or if you are running into the grocery store on the way home from work and need to cover up your holstered pistol so as not to spook the straights.

Thank you for your fashion inquiry with Ask Auntie Gun Nut! :)


  1. Flat Dark Earth is the New Black. :)

  2. When do you come out with your summer line-up? Is camo still "in"?

  3. It is amazing the things people type in to make their way to one's site :D Some phrases are so out there you wonder if there is anything resembling brain matter in their heads.

  4. Tam, don't you mean "Coyote Brown" when you say "Flat Dark Earth"


  5. I bow to fashion goddess of conealed carry power....

    I see a regular Cosmo column in your future. Firearms Fashion with Tam

  6. IS there an agenda here? When I hit the Gooble link, the hit just before you was this one:

    "ISC Home PageYou have to wear a tee shirt; that's just not negotiable. ... And no one knows I'm wearing women's jeans or diapers so I don't have to take any "cross ... - 19k - Cached - Similar pages "

    I have no further coment. It'd be unseemly, and you would hurt me if you could find me.


  7. Well, thanks for that, Rabbit.

    In the last six days I have inadvertently clicked on links showing folks chomping happily on deep-fried bull genitalia, and now a discussion on how to cover grownup diapers.

    The Internet: Destroying America's innocence, one click at a time...

  8. Is my "Liberalism is a Mental Disease" hat still "in" as well?!

  9. Only if you got it when you were "in the Teams."



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