Friday, May 19, 2006

Blog Stuff: Coal Creek Armory makes me look good...

True Confession: I haven't updated my AOL home page in, like, six years. Further, the two B&W photos of me there were taken on the night of the "Rodney King Riots", back in '92. Just a year or two ago (about the time I started my current job) I was, well, a bit larger than those photos would indicate; the forced inactivity after my big motorcycle accident back in '00 (plus a sedentary job at the last gun store I worked at) left me torpid, lethargic, and much heavier than I was happy with.

Not long after I started work at the Armory, folks started mentioning that they thought I was losing weight. I didn't pay their comments much mind, but soon I began to notice that my jeans were getting baggier. I spent more time on my feet, didn't just sit around and order out pizzas for lunch, and ran (literally) back and forth between the showroom and the gunsmithing outbuilding eleventy-dozen times a day. Pretty soon I could see the results in the mirror. Tonight I was hanging all my long-sleeve winter clothes in the storage closet and while I was in there, on a whim, I tried on the outfit I was wearing in those 14 year-old photos: It fit fine. Yay! That was a self-confidence booster like I haven't had in years...

The CCA Diet: Maybe I should market it? ;)


  1. That's an interesting look on your site; you look like you should be getting your cigarette lit by Humphrey Bogart.
    Are you a fan of film-noir?

  2. Sounds less like a diet, and more like an exercise plan.

    Somehow I don't think many overweight GFWs will like running back and forth between a gun store and a gunsmith shop...

    But it would be wonderfully amusing!

  3. First of all, I think I remember reading that you are something like 6 feet tall, so I wouldn't worry too much about looking "pudgy." Besides, some guys, self included, like women with some meat on them.

    Secondly, your "old pictures" do have, as bobg said, a film-noir feel to them, and are quite becoming. Don't fear that whole dress thing, it looks just fine on you.

    I guess you've found your happy medium however, which is far more important than what anyone else thinks. Congratulations.

    PS. You could put more of yourself into your occasionaly Gun PrOn. I think most of your readership wouldn't mind at all.

  4. A woman with your attiude and personality is a rare find- that you look the way you do is just a bonus.

  5. Wish I could join you on the CCA exercise program but then I'd have to have credit conciling - because I'd be broke but well-armed! :)

    It wouldn't hurt to see you occassionaly in the gun pron pictures. There isn't anything better looking than a tall, nice looking women holding a 91/30 Mosin or a 98/22 Mauser!

    ( Inside voice ) You just said that to a girl you don't know... DOH! ( Inside voice )

  6. Maybe a good excuse for some new photos???

  7. Tam,

    Would this be an excuse for you to show up in Nashville for a photo & gossip session?

  8. I second that motion!

  9. nice, cozy place you got here :)..

  10. lovely photos - surprised me to see your hair curled. I've always thought you were gorgeous in the photos I've seen, though.


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