Monday, May 01, 2006

Blog Stuff: This should be interesting.

I just picked up a 12 pack of Diet Berries & Cream Dr. Pepper. My intuition tells me that this is unlikely to be a beverage that leaves one indifferent towards its taste. I'll either be saying "Hey, wow! Why didn't they do this sooner?" or "My gawd! It tastes like somebody used an old sweatsock for a teabag!"

We'll see...


  1. I haven't yet mustered up the courage to try it yet.

    Wait one... I'll liveblog this...


    Hmmm... Not bad at all, if you like cream soda (which I do.)

    Tastes like cream soda & Dr. Pepper, with just a hint of berries.

    Yum. Doesn't taste "diet-y" at all. :)

  2. Actually, "sweatsock for a teabag" was such a pungent image that I was rather hoping that's how the story would end, not that I wished you an unpleasant experience, but...

  3. But there is no way that I'm gonna pay coke 6.99 for coke's Blak. I love coffee, all kinds and lots of iy, but carbonated? Yeach!


  4. I tried coke Blak the other day, (on a business trip, so it wasn't on my dime.) and it's the foulest thing that I have ever consumed. The only reason I finished it was I needed the caffiene so I wouldn't fall asleep in the car. It was horrible. The funky Dr. Pepper flavors are actually pretty decent, however. I'd get them again.

  5. The funky Diet Dr. Peppers are the best thing going right now.

    I would advise caution on mixing Cherry Vanilla Diet Dr. Pepper with Mike's Hard Lemonade, and skunky Sam Adams Light. The resulting gas attack violates the laws of biology and physics.


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