Thursday, May 11, 2006

Boomsticks: Gratuitous Gun Pr0n No. 29

The Standard Catalog of Smith & Wesson describes the Performance Center PC13 as a "very serious carry revolver". Below, then, is a very, very serious carry revolver.

The "PC57", with Chris Reeve Sebenza.

After Marko acquired his PC13, he traded a .41 Magnum Blackhawk for a six-inch Model 57 at a gun show. A few skull sessions between he, uber-gunsmith Shannon Jennings, and myself resulted in the idea for the piece above; the result of throwing cubic yards of money at a poor Model 57 that just never knew what hit it.

The six-inch barrel was yanked and replaced with a factory-fresh 4" tube, but not until the shorter barrel had been sent to Mag-Na-Port for a quad-port job to match that on the PC13. The front sight was red-ramped and the rear blade replaced by one with a white outline. The action was slicked up to near-PPC-grade, with a smooth and stacking-free DA pull of just about eight and a half pounds, and the hammer was bobbed. (A skillful blotchy application of cold blue gave the area where the spur had been amputated a factory case-colored look.) The square butt grip frame was converted to a round-butt contour, and the serrations on the backstrap were excellently restored, leaving the gun looking as though it had come thus from Springfield, MA. The gun was finely bead-blasted and matte-blued, and was lastly fitted with a cocobolo Hogue Monogrip. The result is a no-joke totin' N-frame, as worthy an object of revolver lust as I've ever seen come down the pike. If you're coming by to shoot at CCA, let me know ahead of time, and I'll bring it in and let you run a few rounds through it. You'll probably want Shannon or Bob to build you one like it. :)


  1. Tam, you are a horrible, evil woman for having that gun when I don't.

    Damnit, now I need to get that Model 25 mountain gun in .45lc, matte blued, and carry modded out...

  2. Now that is one BEAUTIFUL revolver...

  3. I am afraid that if I did shoot it I would want one like it. But of course seeing as how I have a spare Model 28 floating around that would be bad...real bad.

  4. Oh, and particularly lovely grain on the wood - it looks like a piece of art.

  5. "Oh, and particularly lovely grain on the wood - it looks like a piece of art."

    One of the better-known custom pistolsmithing shops has the coolest ad slogan: "Dedicated to the metallic art of the spiral tube."

    As the saying goes: Life's too short to own an ugly gun. ;)

  6. Tam,

    Very pretty. It's the NASCAR of revolvers, sort of stock, but oh so much better.

    Thanks for sharing.

  7. That's one pretty wheelgun.


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