Sunday, May 07, 2006

My male readership may want to go make a sandwich...

Okay, we're waiting...

Go on, now...

Alright, the guys are gone; I think it's just us chicks now. Anyhow, being someone who loves hiking and camping and hunting and other things that involve the Great Outdoors, but who doesn't necessarily love the, um, logistics problems one can run into out there, I have to say that I found this article fascinating. Talk about your women's lib!

I'm now on a mission. Wish me luck.


  1. I have to figure that anyone who can handle sidearms can deal with, um, a minor aiming issue.

    (Not that the guys are especially effective, but that's another issue entirely.)

  2. It's not just accuracy; distance is your goal. Accuracy comes later.


  3. Cool, be sure to let us know when you can write your name in the snow.

  4. Oh, I just remembered - there's a scene in "The Full Monty" where a woman does an impressive job of peeing standing up.

  5. That was one hilarious article. *lol* Though I have to say I have never once needed to pee standing up either camping, re-enacting, nor in the field. I have, however, mastered the art of peeing while *kneeling*.

  6. Yeah, well, you haven't lived until you've peed in your tennis shoe.

    (Although I love my jeans, I do have to comment that the pioneer women had a good thing going with those long skirts. Way easier to squat!)

  7. So, uh, Tams, how's it going? Everything come out okay?

  8. Heh. For all my big talk, I haven't yet worked up the nerve to try it. My mother sits in miniature on my shoulder and yells "You're about to do what in the shower?!?"

    FWIW, the only time in my history with the internet that I have actually, physically spit soda onto my monitor was when reading this article, when she said "It's just like learning to whistle..." :o

  9. I am so grateful you posted this and I read it, Tam. Thanks. Now the great dilemma of how to accomplish relief while avoiding disease and 'critters' has been resolved without the dreaded hover and adding to the drip problem. Just don't forget to flush with your foot.
    BTW, can I post a link to your Blog on my blog?

  10. Link away! The more, the merrier.

    Hope things are well down your way. :)


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