Saturday, May 20, 2006

Overheard At Work...

Salesguy: "I've got an idea to make a mint. A new menu item at Taco Bell: the goat meat taco. They can call it the 'Chalupacabra'. It's cheap; it's authentically ethnic-sounding; it's perfect. What's not to like?"

Me: "Hell, I'd buy one."


  1. See? It'd be a smash hit.

  2. Taco Hell would totally ruin it though. Eat there for a while, everything tastes the same.


  3. We used to eat stuff like that in south India at the bus-station to Kodai Road, paratas in mutton-juice gravy. Yummy.

  4. I actually like cabrito every once in a while, and hell, I'd definitely get in line for a Chalupacabra just so I could say it. Chalubacabra. It just rolls off the keyboard in such a lovely way!
    and wow, bobg - I thought only the Japanese ate prairie dog.


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