Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Politics: The Biggest Tent in the World.

While the Democrat Party's tent has gotten smaller than the smoking section in a Seattle Starbucks, the GOP has gotten so all-inclusive that it's hard to tell just what it stands for these days. Once the party of isolationism, it gradually became the party of cold war foreign policy hawks. Once the party of laissez faire fat cats, its ranks are now swollen by the union-member lumpen proletariat whose talk-show host heroes use the word "elitist" like it's a bad thing. It's the party of religious agnosticism; of special-interest populism; it's anything you want it to be. Bring some patriotic-colored bunting.

Now we've heard the new GOP stance on Illegal Immigration: Not only do we hate it so much that we'll deploy some troops to stop it, but we love it so much that we're going to make the illegal immigrants into citizens or guest workers or something.

Tents this big sometimes collapse...


  1. It's a three ring circus, all right, but I'll be damned if I can figure out which one is center ring; all three are full of clowns...

  2. Yeah, I know that Bush is President of more than just his base, but for cryin' out loud...over 70% of the country wants a lot more than he is willing to go for.

    These pukes are so out-of-touch that it's approaching criminal.


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