Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Politics: Rejoice, Comrades!

The People's Soviet is contemplating further regulation of the means of production! Your relief is at hand!

I find it telling that the Congresscritters all stand up to denounce "price gouging". All solemnly agree it's a Real Bad Thing for the Little People under their care. They'll help out by proposing a law. A law that, in part, asks the Federal Trade Commission to, um, please come up with a definition of "price gouging".

Good luck with that.

Of course, in a nation of whiners who've been successfully manipulated into viewing "profit" as a dirty word and told since they were toddlers that they deserve their "fair share", "price gouging" will be defined as "anything more than I want to pay. Waaah! Mommy! They won't share!"



  1. Every time I hear the term, "Fair Share," my brain automatically inserts those words into the form and sounds of That Bitch Named Clinton, replete with arms raised high, eyes bulging out of her head, and that shrill voice emanating those words.

    It' enough to make me grind my teeth.

  2. Steve,

    I know that some folks do this very thing, except that it is usually diesel, and they run used frying oil through the things.

    Last I checked, this was not usually looked upon too well by the state in which it occured. It usually violates the law, since no taxes are being collected, and your neighbors are encouraged to snitch on you with the dubious, "Report fuel tax evasion" road sign.

    I'm all for sticking to the Gummint on these kinds of things, so I'm all for your idea, don't get me wrong, but I'd wonder about the quality of the end product if I were the one refining the oil. Wouldn't want to ruin my new car.

  3. semipundit sez:

    "Define price gouging."

    I reply:

    1/10th of a cent more than you want to pay. Quick, call the FTC! We have a definition! ;)


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