Monday, June 19, 2006

Books: An evening reading...

I got home from work after an unusually busy Father's Day Sunday at the Armory and settled into my chair on the porch to watch the sunset and read Frederick Forsyth's The Dogs Of War. I got good and engrossed, and finally wandered upstairs to heat some dinner and then call my folks. It was a little chilly in my house, so I cut off the window AC unit. While the chicken & dumplings was being nuked, I sprawled across the bed with the book and...

...I was riding in the back of a Winnebago with a rumbling diesel engine. It was hot as hell as the RV trundled through the desert, and the vibrating horsehair-covered pillow I was laying on was making me sweat profusely. Wow. It must mean...

...that it was three thirty in the morning, and I'd nodded off, and Mittens had inserted herself under my drooping head and was happily purring as mommy used her for a pillow. So much for calling my parents. Thankfully the dinner could be salvaged with another 45 seconds in the nuclear furnace.

Let's see what's in the fridge. Bachelorette Number One?

Well, we have four cans of Diet Dew. One Diet Red Bull. Three Cottonwood Endo India Pale Ales. Two Left Hand Brewing Company Haystack Wheats. One Sam Adams Light (WTF?).


The Red Bull it is. Guess we're up for the day, then...

...and now we're off to work.


  1. "One Sam Adams Light (WTF?)"

    Hahaha. You should save that one for emergencies...or visitors. :)

  2. How I loathe suddenly being wide awake too early in the morning. Clearly Mittens masterminded the upheaval.

  3. The Dogs of War is a great book, just like most of Frederick
    Forsyth's books. I can recommend The Spepherd if you haven't read it yet. The Day of the Jackal should, of course, be required reading for anyone.

  4. If you like "The Dogs of War," hunt down a copy of "The Tanget Objective," which has a similiar theme. I can't recall the author right now though.


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