Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Goes to show how much I've been paying attention...

I thought they'd given him his walking papers last year.

Heck, we should have all seen how it was going to end a long time ago. When I was in high school, 'way back in the '80s, the Camaro in the assigned parking space next to mine had a bumper sticker that read "Frankly, Dan, I'd Rather have the truth."



  1. Yeah, in typical Donk/Lefty/Clinton-fawning fashion, he was only replaced as managing editor and anchor, and reassigned within the CBS news organization, and not really punished with termination. That would be so, cruel, ya see, and the Lefties can't come over to their minions as being so incompassionate over such a minor misunderstanding as reporting the truth. Besides, such servile toadies are too useful to such causes, they can't be discarded.

    I wish that t*rd would get within arms length of me one of these days. I'd tear an appendage or two off.

  2. Due to his " status " at CBS, Dan was let down gracefully versus pulling the chair out from under him. It seems to be what happens when you're a Lefty. When Rush was let go of from ESPN, I bet he didn't even hear the thump from his butt hitting the floor when they pulled his chair - he was out the door before that!

  3. I love that someone in that article called him "a reporter's reporter." Uh, exactly. I'd say that is precisely what was wrong with his "reporting." Talk about corporate!

  4. dan is a certifiable whack-job

  5. First Dan, now Connie sad. Hahahahahahha


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