Thursday, June 08, 2006

Politics: Surprisingly, folks are in favor of free stuff.

The leeches and scalawags that infest the Capitol Building in Washington, DC stole money from my paychecks to fund empowered a 14-person commission to travel to fifty different communities and poll a bunch of people on what they thought about free universal health care. Unsurprisingly, folks were all for it.
Report doesn't say who would pay for such a plan, or its cost
Well, duh.

Hey, Sparky, why don't you go ask these same 23,000 people if they're in favor of paying an additional $1k/yr in taxes? Think the response will be similarly overwhelming? People are always in favor of free stuff. The headline couldn't be any dumber if it read "Americans in favor of gold houses, rocket cars."

I'd like the tax dollars back that they are wasting on this "special commission". I could use the money to like, you know, go to the doctor.


  1. I wish I could get in on some of these bogus surveys; a lot of money gets wasted asking people stupid questions.
    "A survey to find out if people would rather have sex than be hit in the head with a ballpeen hammer" would be a good one; I'll bet I could milk that for a couple of million, at least.

  2. "Americans in favor of gold houses, rocket cars."
    Thanks for the belly-laugh.
    In a world that denies me fresh scribblings from the divine Flo King, at least I still have VFTP.

  3. those who don't pay off for anything, or work for a living, are often in favor of free stuff. lAzy, shiftless, looking for the next government handout. It's a french thing, you wouldn't understand.

  4. Robbing from Peter to pay Paul (off), and getting his vote in the process. How very Democrat.

    Socialist pukes.

  5. Oh, the guys with the (R) after their name are just as good at it. The Medicare prescription drug benefit is their accomplishment, and that one's going to siphon a few hundred billion out of our kids' paychecks so Auntie Ethel in Poughkeepsie (member of the wealthiest age demographic) can save a few bucks on her arthritis pills. What was that other than blatant AARP vote-buying with taxpayer money?

  6. Marko,

    Yeah, you're right, but it seems to me that the Donks are betting on that strategy, and have done so, consistently, since the FDR administration.

    It is vote buying, and disgusting, but folks just don't seem to care about that when it's their free ice cream you're talking about. The problem is, the Elephants aren't comdemning such actions, and they should, while telling every American in those simple terms, as to why. They won't, for fear of alienating voters.


    Rank politicing.

  7. Personally, given the demonstrated bias used in constructing poll questions, and, given that the intent is to garner local, state, and federal funding, I think that those who conduct such polls should be charged with fraud .......

  8. I'll just take the gold house, I'd just go do something stupid with the rocket car that would probably end up with me needing health care... :)


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