Monday, July 17, 2006

Blog Stuff: It's all about me, me, me.

Apparently, in order to generate maximum linky-love I need to either threaten to kill somebody or call someone a "douchebag".

Now accepting nominations...


  1. Brilliant!

    You, friend, are a P-R genius! :)

  2. Hang up one of those at the range instead of a target, and see what happens...LOL.

  3. bobg - I'm worried about you.
    Speaking of, the word "douchebag" was used in the script of my beloved Deadwood - last week's episode, and I tried to look up the first known usage of that expression, somehow I thought it was more recent than gold-rush era. I dunno.

  4. Oh, and it's your bloody blog, why shouldn't it be about you, especially being as fabulous as you are?

  5. Hey, I've talked you up over on Granted, that's about the same as me writing your URL on a tiny bit of paper, then crumbling said piece of paper into a ball and tossing into the sahara desert. But, you know, every little bit helps...

  6. Since it's recent news, I nominate Cook County Board member Joseph Moreno, who is advocating house-to-house searches for guns in Cook County, IL. Regrettably, it isn't a long article or post written by him. According to ISRA, Blagojevich is a worthy target as well.

    Bonus points if you can work in the talking crawdads again. (That was SOOO funny!)

  7. Thanks Jed. I leave town for 2 weeks and Cook Country goes even farther down the tubes. I may have to accelerate the plan to exit Illinois.


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