Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Blog Stuff: Who comes up with this?

Razr? Krzr? Rizr?

I'm waiting for the Pozr or the Luzr.


  1. From what I hear, their CEO Ed Zndr is a real wznhmr.

    Clock radio = snuzr?

  2. From everyone I know how has one, if you even Lkzr at them funny, they will Brkzr and then you have to get a Lnzr from the Verizon Shpzr in the interim, or you're Fxxzrd.


  3. Somebody asked me once if I was gonna get one of those Razr phones. I told him, "Scrzr that, I'm gonna buy me another gun first." I think I've gotten about four more since then...

  4. More expensive stuff that I don't want, and if I did I would have a problem feeding it after the CDI stage wore off. I keep having visions of all those poor deformed children that I see every day, you know the one's, they are the strange deformed types with only one hand because the other is permantly wrapped around their latest toy, too scared to put it down because they might miss the latest worthless B.S........

    Or your milage may vary!!

  5. Pentax won that contest with *ist camera.

  6. "Who comes up with this?"

    Some 1337 engineer, I guess.

  7. Ehhhh...They're trying to get the silly things small enough to get lost amidst pocket lint.

    I'm happier with my bulky tote-phone deal. Cost me sixty bucks, plus five a month for 300 minutes (I should talk so long!). Works anywhere. Satellite. Cells? We don' need no steenkin' cells!

    If I understand the deal, though, it's only available to really-rural folks--of which I ar wun.

    :-), Art


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