Thursday, July 27, 2006

Blog Stuff: You don't really like me for my mind.

Just kidding.

Still, the bikini photo posting was a fun experiment: 1,990 hits on a Sunday, when I'd normally expect about 400-450. Now to figure out a way to incorporate this into my plans for eventual global domination... Perhaps a new ad slogan? "Come for the boobies; stay for the snark"? Too blatant? ;)


  1. But what is the snark is a boojum?

  2. Tam, not to burst your bubble, but I've got a wife. The bikini picture was nice, but I read your blog for things like this:

    " You know Mbogo is in the brush someplace; you've heard tales of him but never seen him, and then suddenly he's right there in front of you. Is your bank account a big enough caliber to bring him down? Or are you going to have to let him get away and hope that someday you'll run across him again when you're packing a checkbook with a few more foot-pounds?"

    That's some damned fine writing, right there.

  3. Boobies?!?!


    did I miss something critcally important?!?!?!

  4. I have to agree with Kevin; I get cheered up in the morning reading your posts; wit, intelligence, and humor are very attractive in a person; looks are just a bonus.

  5. Zendo Deb said...

    Guys are so easy...

    that is what makes us so damn fun!

    now, back to boobies.

    and, while you are at it, hand me the remote.

  6. I would have thought your hit count would have been higher too!

    Anyway, you inspired me to post a retro photo of myself. ‘Course it ain’t as nice as yours!

    My son is 32 now, so this was a ways back.

  7. Shush it. Disrobe please.

  8. "Shush it. Disrobe please."

    You know, I'd be very wary of saying things like that around this woman, especially since she is highly trained in gun foo.. :p

    "gznrkav!" heh

  9. Seems you still have a large following at Glocktalk too! I saw the picture thread up to 5 pages as of last night. It is good that you're a very good balance of looks and wit!

  10. I was reading you before I had any idea that you were gorgeous.

  11. You don't really like me for my mind.

    Damn. How did you know it was the .38/44 Heavy Duty?

  12. Of course, now you've got the word "Boobies" in your blog for Google to index...

    I look forward to seeing the sitemeter results.

  13. " Of course, now you've got the word "Boobies" in your blog for Google to index..."

    *hides real-estate brochure for Caribbean isles*
    *looks furtively around*
    *taps nose*

    All part of the master plan, my friend; all part of the plan. ;)

  14. This is exactly what I was trying to get across to Catfish just the other day.... we women have a master plan behind every word, quote, blog, and picture!!

    You go Tam!! You have them all eating out of your hands!!!


    Women taking control of the minds of men... with simple words and "boobies" is just the tip of the ice-berg!!

    I'd get more courageous, but I have a man to think about and I'd like to keep him. So... I support you 100%!!!


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