Friday, July 21, 2006

Boomsticks: You know you're a gun nut when...

1) Ammunition you keep on hand includes calibers like .22 Remington Jet, .455 Webley Automatic, .405 Winchester, and .577-450 Martini.

2) Someone asks you how many guns you own and you truthfully answer "I don't know."

3) When visiting south Texas and contemplating a daytrip to Mexico, your local guide reminds you to clean any ammunition out of your purse, as possession of just one round there could be a felony. Dumping your purse out reveals the following objects rolling about in the detritus of pens, mascara tubes, and dead batteries at the bottom: a speedloader for your carry revolver, two loose rounds of the same caliber, a sandwich baggie with eight .22 shells, a loose .22 shell, an unidentified antique rimfire cartridge of about .40 caliber that someone must have given you at a gun show once, and a single loose round of 5.7x28 that you have no recollection of ever receiving, especially since you haven't even seen a gun in the caliber yet.


  1. Oh, and a purse?

    Figured you were more like my spouse and carried a wallet instead.

  2. Ha. You know how you clean out your truck, and fins loose .22 rounds rolling around under the seat?

    I once found five boxes of same under mine... and I don't hae the faintest memory of buying them -- they weren't even my regular brand.


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