Saturday, July 29, 2006

Well that kind of narrows it down...

They're playing this one extra-cautious:
"The analyses of the sonar pictures and the comparison to historical documents show that it is the Graf Zeppelin," Zajda told The Associated Press.

Zajda said a number of characteristics of the shipwreck exactly matched those of the Graf Zeppelin, including the ship's measurements and a special device that lifted aircraft onto the launch deck from a lower deck.

The naval experts were still waiting to find the name "Graf Zeppelin" on one the ship's sides before declaring with absolute certainty that it is the German carrier, Zajda said.
Number of carriers sunk in the Baltic: One. But just in case the USN or Royal Navy misplaced a flattop and didn't tell anyone, they're holding off on official pronouncements until they can see some proof of ID.

(H/T to Marko.)


  1. According to the article, it was operated by the Soviet Union for a couple of years before it was lost. I doubt it still said 'Graf Zeppelin' anywhere on it.

  2. I thought Graf Zeppelin was a dirigible. Graf Spee, maybe?

  3. UPDATE: I actually went and _read_ the article, then Googled the name and saw photographs. Pls ignore previous comment about dirigibles.


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