Friday, August 11, 2006

Gratuitous Gun Pr0n...

Not that I'm trying to toot my own horn or anything, but I'm kinda proud of these pictures.

And the gun is just plain lust-inducing.

(I thought this picture turned out pretty cool as well. I just fricken' love my job. Does it show? :) )


  1. $2K worth of Belgian plasticky goodness?

  2. Actually, I'm more a-drool over the ~$2k-ish handful of American steel. :)

  3. Those are nice pics! Lighting is the hardest thing.

  4. Yeah, with my no-control-over-lighting snapshots, I wind up going for the "Fill a memory card and hopefully get four keepers" approach. Bleh. Someday I'll get some proper lighting gear, and maybe a tripod.

  5. I just left CCA and blasted the 9mm on the range. Played with the FS2000 too.

    You guys are aware of the recall, right?


    BTW, today's kaptcha is:


  6. Tam, just how far are you from Deal's Gap?

  7. "You guys are aware of the recall, right?"

    All those currently shipping already have the fix.

  8. " Tam, just how far are you from Deal's Gap?"

    About 30-45 minutes, depending on the vehicle and the urgency. :)

  9. You know what would be better than AR mags on that puppy? A nice HK mag! Got to fondle one of the 2000s at Top Gun on Tuesday. Wasn't a shooter, unfortunately, but nice to touch.

  10. Those are really great shots! What camera do you use?

    The limb from last night's storm looked pretty good as a prop!

  11. A Nikon Coolpix 990.

    It takes really good gun pics all by itself because it used to be Oleg's, and is therefore still dripping with Magic Gun Pr0n Juju.

  12. Well I know this ain't go'na sound good, but I may have to use my gun money stash for a new camera soon. However, I'll start saving for another weapon soon after!

    Thanks for answering.

  13. Get two tripods and a thin gauzy sheet of some kind to kill the highlight glare. Outdoor lighting looks best on an overcast day, it richens the colors - fake the effect by using open-shade or making it. Basically you're trying to compress the widest range of lighting variables, and squeeze 'em down to something the camera can handle. :-)

  14. That rounded back of the grip looks nice, one of these days I may have to get an estimate for that on my Kimber.


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