Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Politics: I'll drive, thanks.

Can I get an "amen"?


  1. Yeah, but in California you won't notice the Keystone Kops airline security routine so much, since the whole friggin' state is like that. ;)

  2. I've got to fly to Houston on business this afternoon - no choice.

    But when I go to the Reno Gunblogger Rendezvous, I'll be driving - even though the cost in gas will be greater than a plane ticket, (not including overnight accomodations on the way).

    Flying is not worth the hassle.

  3. Looking at a 26 hour flight in two weeks... sigh....

  4. I'll give you your "Amen" and throw in the now-popular "emotional college student church service hopping for Jesus".

    Hop hop hop...


  5. "Looking at a 26 hour flight in two weeks... sigh...."

    And how many hours standing in lines being snooped?

  6. Amen here as well... I haven't enjoyed flying since 1975.


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