Monday, August 28, 2006

Yay, me!

As b&n has so thoughtfully pointed out to me, today is the one year Blogaversary of the little corner of the web that is View From The Porch.

To celebrate 365 days, 844 posts, and 135,000 hits, I think I should buy a gun.

Coincidentally, a fine little Venezuelan FN Model 24/30 Mauser carbine in 7x57 wandered into the shop this weekend. I think I'll make it mine...


  1. Still number one for "horrible screaming death", as well.

  2. You need an excuse to buy a gun besides, "My bank account is a non- negative number?"

    Guns are a good investment. Nothing appreciates like an autoloader when the zombie apocalyse arrives. Or the Russians invade via Mexico. Or a natural disaster occurs and the old maxim about being four meals away from anarchy starts seeming really apropos.

  3. Can't think of a better way to celebrate.

  4. Tam,

    How 'bout some Blogoversary Gun prOn then?

  5. Nice way to celebrate. I've always thought that there was no such thing as too many guns or knives.

  6. I like this answer to the question, "How many guns do you have?" - More than I need, fewer than I want.

  7. Congrats, both on your blogiversary and being number one in "horrible screaming death".

    What more could you ask for?

    Oh yeah, a gun....

  8. Wow. Happy blogiversary! Then next year you can celebrate by buying two, then three the third year, and so on. It just makes good sense.

  9. Uh, well, congratulations! :-)
    I'm sorry, I never know what to say on such occasions. ;-)


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