Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Blog Stuff: The coolest thing I've seen on the 'net in a while...

One day, back in early '00, a young man named Noah Kalina took a self portrait. The next day, he did the same thing. And so on, and so on, for the next six years. The result, converted to a time-lapse video and set to an original piano score, is an oddly haunting view of someone growing up. Pretty cool.

(H/T to Les Jones.)


  1. If only Annette Funicello had thought of this first. ;)

  2. I LOVE this. It's rather sweet, actually.

  3. thanks for this link and a good creative idea...the aging transformation over six years in a twenty-something isn't that radical but I've got an eleven year old at home and I'd love to do this with him...the changes going from boyhood into adolescence and manhood would be mind blowing (and a little eye misting for this old dad) Thanks


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