Tuesday, September 26, 2006

It'd be funny, if it wasn't so expensive...

Your tax dollars at work.


  1. No, it wouldn't be funny even if it were free. But that's OK. Try not to be too hard on the govvies. It's hard to get everything done, what with all those AFSCME membership meetings and diversity awareness workshops.

    I'm sure the Wrangler will get a big fat interest check from them as soon as they get around to processing his return.

  2. I quit worrying about such chump-change problems a number of years back, courtesy an article in the Tallahassee Democrat:

    It seems somebody discovered that the bridges of I-10 between Jacksonville and Pensacola were some 6" per lane too narrow. One foot, each direction. (Outside the actual traffic lanes were strips alongside of some three feet, or six feet total, each direction.)

    The article alleged the cost was to be some $50 million for the dramatic increase in safety to be brought about by a foot of widening on either side.

    For the next several years, I watched long strings of single-file traffic struggle through the work zones, I among 'em...

    Maybe the civilian bureaucrats have learned from the Army: Hurry up (File now!)(Fix bridge now!) and wait (For your refund)(In traffic).


  3. We gave up on "paper" filing a long time ago. Once upon a time our son did a commercial (Eggo) and traveled with a Broadway play. Besides his Federal taxes, he owed in a dozen cities and states. That's when you hire an accoutant. He's in college now, but still has to add NY, NY City (agent's location), and CA (commercial shot there) to his home state and Federal tax filings, as he gets residuals (about $1.60 net every 2 months from "Law & Order", for example). File electronically and get your refund much, much sooner. OldeForce


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