Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Beer blogging postscript...

Stopped by McScrooge's on the way home from work tonight. Stocked up. Chatted with the guy on duty; turns out he's looking for a CCW class. It felt like this classic headline from The Onion...

I grabbed a couple more Ruinations, a four-pack of Dogfish Head 90 Minute Imperial IPA, and a six-pack of Dogfish Head 60 Minute IPA. Tried one each of the latter two brews before bed. The 60 Minute was good stuff; a classic, hoppy IPA. The 90 Minute tasted as though they'd set out to make an over-the-top-hopped IPA, then repented at the last minute and tried to balance things back out with the barley. The end result is an initial bitter hops assault, but a correspondingly sweetish malty finish. I think I prefer the ostensibly milder 60 Minute.

Actually, what I prefer is the big ol' 22-oz bottles of Ruination lurking in the fridge; I can hardly wait 'til tomorrow night, when I'll give myself a hump-day reward by popping one open after work...


  1. I love the Ruination too, unfortunately I have to drive to the big city to get any.

    The BridgePort is the only thing I can get without having to load up for a safari to Memphis.

  2. Tamara, here's a link I think you'll enjoy.



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