Thursday, October 05, 2006

Blog Stuff: 42%

According to the "Calculate Risk" tab at the World War Z site, that's my chance of surviving Zombie Apocalypse.

Obviously I need more ammo. Thank Wotan we got more case lots of Wolf and S&B in at work...


  1. Well now, the choices for area of the country you live didn't include the Southeast, so you should add 10% or so! :)

  2. Yeah, I noticed the South wasn't a choice.

    I think the lack of ocean access was a factor in my score. 41%

  3. 49% - not good enough, but what's or where is an escape headed to the "Rocky Line"? I kinda thought that meant head for the hills...

  4. a sad 34% I'm shure because I live in a larger city in the midwest.

  5. Man! I'm only 28%. Sure hope none of them zombies shows up.


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