Sunday, October 22, 2006

The Congressman at the shootin' range...

So, there I was a couple months back, whiling away a lazy summer afternoon at the Armory, when a big ol' crew-cab pickup with big Harold Ford stickers in the rear window backs into a parking spot right out front. "Huh," I thought, "that takes a bit of chutzpah, displaying Democrat campaign paraphernalia around a gun store. I wonder who that is?"

In the door walked Harold Ford Jr. himself, complete with a couple of guys for a sort of mini entourage. Apparently he was here to make his Moderate Democrat bones by being seen shooting at the local range. He was a likeable enough guy, in that "Elect Me To Student Government" sort of way. (When did congresscritters get as young as me, huh? When did that happen?)

He didn't score a lot of points with the range staff, who complained afterwards that he seemed to be distracted and in a hurry during the mandatory safety briefing. (Look folks, I know you've been shooting before, and I know the briefing is basic stuff, but the kid has to give it, so you could make him feel better by at least feigning interest.) After a perfunctory session on the range with a stainless Smith revolver, they came out and settled up. The telling comment came after he left. The old guy who'd been standing at the counter next to him watched Ford and his crew leave and then shook his head. "You know," he mused, "I've been in county politics all my life, been elected to a thing or two, and that's the sorriest thing I've seen in a while. That young man stood next to me for near ten minutes and not once did he ask for my vote."

Come to think about it, he didn't ask me for mine, either...


  1. "We get the government we deserve."

    God help us.

  2. "When did congresscritters get as young as me, huh? When did that happen?"

    Old age is not for sissies....

  3. 'Come to think about it, he didn't ask me for mine, either...'

    Now, why would that be? ;-)

    I can only come to the conclusion that he already had lost any hope of getting a vote from any person working/shopping/shooting at CCA.
    But then - why did he go there in the first place?

  4. But did he shoot a tight group?

  5. "But then - why did he go there in the first place?"

    For the sole purpose of providing fodder for all the "progressive gun owners" who post on TFL/THR and other forums.

    I fully expect to see pictures of this little event posted on various fora as evidence that "SEE! The Democrats really aren't out to get your guns!"


  6. There weren't any press there.

    Unless you count a blogger.

  7. Did he have a staffer with an instamatic?

    Dare I even consider the thought that he wasn't doing it as a campaign stunt?

  8. Unless you count a blogger.

    Or three. :)

    All I ask is that you don't point a gun directly at my head, and we're cool...

  9. I wasn't there, but Mr. Ford if fortunate that I keep politics off the DrStrangeGun blog.

    If it wasn't this, I'd be ripping him a new one over the BS he pulled with Corker's presser.

  10. And a pretty face launches a thousand insta-lanches..

    I'm sure it had nothing to do with the email I sent him.

    This does sound passing odd to me. You would think he was going for the photo op except without the press.

  11. "Uhhh... can I get me uh huntin' license here? "

  12. What, no TV cameras?

    It must be a terrible conundrum for a liberal. Be seen at the shooting range, and your base gets mad at you while conservative gun-owners are probably gonna' laugh at you.

    Kinda' like Dukakis' ride in that tank.

  13. I'm so proud, I'll be able to tell the grandkids I knew you before the Instalanche. Let's all choose our words carefully, now. Say it hard and spell it right. Folks are listening.

  14. Why didn't he ask for your vote? Simple, really.

    Its probably not wise to ask a person with a gun in their hand for a vote. They might give you one.

  15. He didn't pay attention to the mandatory safety bit??

    Why, not only is he anti-gun . . . but he's also against gun safety!!!

  16. Photo op? I think not.

    Mid-September my younger son wanted to get some photo/ video of his friend Tony Famaghletti's FIRST trip to a range. CCA people said "No".

    Had a GREAT time there, anyway. (Was that YOU behind the counter when I came off the range??)

    Anyway, Young Fam was way excited about the new world of gunz. Then I had to explain to him, that as a denizen of New Yawk City, the Second Amendment was dead to him. Sigh.

    Anyway, I said all that to say this: "CCA great place, one set of rules for everybody." Never thought MY kid would be treated like a Congressman!


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