Friday, October 13, 2006

Heh. Been there...

During the last round of photography at Oleg's studio, something or another was unsatisfactory, and caused the lensmeister to mutter under his breath.

"That's okay," I said, breezily, "we'll fix it in post."

He was laughing too hard to push a shutter release for the next minute or two.


  1. Note that they merely promise another way of achieving (almost) the same results.

  2. The thing is, the lady in the initial shot is attractive. Not perfect, but perfection is boring.

  3. Now that was amazing.

    Bye the bye, Tam...VDH has a wonderful review of "300" if you haven't read it his normal site:

  4. Did you ever notice that handsome guys are supposed to look distinctive, but beautiful women are supposed to all look alike?

  5. GAH!!!!

    On a SUNDAY? You say that phrase on a SUNDAY?

    Twin jets of blood. Straight out of my eyeballs.

    *curls up under the desk and goes cataleptic as the memories of a thousand bluescreen shoots run by uneducated dolts assails him*

  6. FWIW my wife of 40 years modeled back in the dark ages of the Eileen Ford agency(think middle '50's). She was taught how to do her own make-up and to this day takes about 2 1/2 - 3 hours from start to finish. (And the wait is well worth my time...)


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